Level Purple - Home of UK PHP/MySQL excellence

How do we work at LevelPurple?

LevelPurple prides itself on its philosophy that great websites are made to be great. We're passionate about what we do and, as a direct result of that, who we are. LevelPurple formed in 2010 to create its own projects, and with the aim of providing full-service development, producing extraordinary programming and therefore excellent web sites.

Our web sites are developed with an eye to publishing only the best - into an already hugely crowded internet. We strive to develop lightweight and cutting-edge (X)HTML/CSS, fast back-end scripting, and strong database support - ensuring that each web site we develop is made to be the very best, accessible to everyone, and above all useful. Technology aside: thought, experimentation and bold thinking underpin everything that we produce.

We aim to employ best practices across the board, resulting in achievements that we can be thoroughly proud of.

That just sounds like a lot of 'maxing the envelope' style phrases

Maybe so - but the reason it sounds like that is because that really is the quality of we're trying to produce. Aiming high is something that we think is hugely important and, without purposefully trying to stretch the metaphor beyond breaking point, is worth doing while we can still keep our feet on the ground. Beyond anything, our aims are to contribute something useful to the internet.